Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Setting Sail

Hi, I'm Meesh.

I'm a graduate student in atmospheric science. From September to mid November, I'll be living and working on a research vessel, the RV Knorr, in the North Atlantic. This area is one of the harshest on the planet. Gale force winds, sub-freezing temperatures and stomach-churning seas. These tough conditions also makes it one of the least studied. That's what brings me out here. 

This might be a good time to mention this is my first research cruise.
I'm no marshmallow when it comes to physical challenges, but this cruise will be tough in ways I can't imagine. Two and a half months is a long time to be at sea, especially in this part of the world. What makes it even tougher is that it's not a common experience, even among scientists, which can be rather isolating.

Get ready for more of this.
To help my family and friends understand this seemingly crazy adventure, I'll post here (satellite internet bandwidth permitting). I hope to showcase the incredible beauty of the Arctic and maybe even bits of the science we're after. Please follow along. Any questions or encouragement are really appreciated.

Thanks, and enjoy!